La Cruzada Albigense y la intervención de la Corona de Aragón en Occitania. El recuerdo de las crónicas hispánicas del siglo XIII.


  • Martín Alvira Cabrer Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Middle Age, Albigensian Crusade, Historiography, Spain, 13th Century, Crown of Aragon, Occitania, Muret.


The conspicuous Hispanic participation in the events of the Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229) reflects the important links that for centuries linked the Iberian Peninsula and the Occitan lands of southern France. With the exception of the Canso de la Crozada by the Navarrese poet Guillermo of Tudela, Hispanic memory of the Crusade focussed on the defeat and death of King Pedro the Catholic of Aragon in the battle of Muret (1213). The position of the Hispanic authors was characterized by a common defense of the king's orthodoxy through the suppression of the Cathar heresy, or justification by feudal motives. In Castile-León, the «historiographical and official account» written by archbishop Rodrigo of Toledo was imposed over the «crusading vision» of other prelates. His version was taken up in the Crown of Aragon, coexisting with a «dynastic account» that exalts the chivalrous virtues of the king Pedro. From the end of the thirteenth century, all these Hispanic memories of the Albigensian Crusade are hardly modified.


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How to Cite

Alvira Cabrer, M. (2000). La Cruzada Albigense y la intervención de la Corona de Aragón en Occitania. El recuerdo de las crónicas hispánicas del siglo XIII. Hispania, 60(206), 947–975.




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