Sephardic connectors in a polycentric monarchy. The Belmonte/Schonenberg case in the articulation of Hispano-Dutch relations during the second half of the Seventeenth Century


  • Manuel Herrero Sánchez Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla



Sephardic Diaspora, «Judeoconversos», United Provinces, Spanish Monarchy, Mercantile Connectors, Polycentric Monarchy


This article analyses the central role played by networks of Sephardic and «Judeoconversos» Jews in the evolution of the relationship between the Spanish Monarchy and the United Provinces during the 17th century. These groups’ solid position in international trade and the capital markets in Amsterdam and significant degree of control over the supply of information through large networks of correspondants enabled them to operate within polycentric political structures with a variety of legal traditions and monetary systems, acting as links between dispersed territories. This cosmopolitan diaspora was heavily involved in worldwide exchange networks and operated with regard for more than ethnic and religious criteria, with its members showing great concern for questions of social prestige and the acquisition of political appointments and aristocratic titles. This study will focus upon the network built around Manuel Belmonte, the Catholic king’s agent in Amsterdam, and his nephew, Francisco de Schonenberg, the Republic’s diplomatic representative in Madrid, who lobbied for a rapprochement between Spain and the Netherlands and supported the Habsburgs during the War of Spanish Succession.


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How to Cite

Herrero Sánchez, M. (2016). Sephardic connectors in a polycentric monarchy. The Belmonte/Schonenberg case in the articulation of Hispano-Dutch relations during the second half of the Seventeenth Century. Hispania, 76(253), 445–472.




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