Vassals, office-holders, clients, and relatives: hierarchy and inter-noble relationships in medieval Castile (c. 1100-c. 1350) as reflected in the documentary sources


  • Ignacio Álvarez Borge Universidad de La Rioja



Central Middle Ages, Castile, Nobility, Vassals, Kinship, Clients


This paper offers some considerations regarding inter-noble relationships in Castile during the Central Middle Ages. It does not aim to present an exhaustive study, and therefore proposes some working hypotheses and promising lines of study rather than presenting any firm conclusions. Rather than using all of the available documentary sources, this study focuses on charter evidence, and includes a discussion of both the possibilities presented to the study of this subject by documentary sources, and their limitations in this respect.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Borge, I. (2010). Vassals, office-holders, clients, and relatives: hierarchy and inter-noble relationships in medieval Castile (c. 1100-c. 1350) as reflected in the documentary sources. Hispania, 70(235), 359–390.




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