Antiguos Españoles. Shared identities of the Irish Community in Castile (six teenth-seventeenth centuries)




exile, myth, bard, Gaelic, Milesius, Ireland, Spain


After the failed expedition of Kinsale (1601-1602), Irish exiles began to define their identity in the Iberian Peninsula. To legitimize their position, they based their rhetoric on the tradition surrounding a “Spanish” origin. Spread by means of medieval chronicles and bards, this discourse and the introduction of their common ‘ancestor’, the mythical King Milesius were the devices used by elites to justify their presence and incorporation within the structures of the Spanish monarchy. Intrinsic social polarization was represented in this account and used as a defining and differentiating aspect. The historicity of this ideological construction was reflected by Castilian authors and accentuated by Irish scholars. Both these writing strategies and the instrumentalization of resources such as genealogies laid the foundations for a shared idiosyncrasy culminating in their Castilian naturalization.


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How to Cite

Bravo Lozano, C. . (2020). Antiguos Españoles. Shared identities of the Irish Community in Castile (six teenth-seventeenth centuries). Hispania, 80(266), 721–751.




Funding data

H2020 European Research Council
Grant numbers 823998