1936. The destruction of spaces and symbols of the Catholic faith in La Mancha
Iconoclasm, sacrophobia, anticlericalism, Spanish Civil WarAbstract
Based on archival sources, this article analyses the wave of iconoclasm that swept the rearguard of Castile La Mancha —and in particular the province of Ciudad Real— during the summer and autumn of 1936 following the failure of the coup d’état that led to the Spanish Civil War. Special emphasis is placed on the timing and the protagonists of this destructive wave, which took place within the framework of a revolutionary process fostered by working-class currents seeking to create a new, egalitarian world. This revolutionary process sought to destroy the cultural and symbolic power which the Catholic Church had enjoyed for centuries. The singularity of the province of Ciudad Real is that, in contrast to other areas of Spain, its radical iconoclasm was unprecedented. Despite this, the wave of destruction was formidable, comparable to that of territories characterized by a traditional and deep-seated anticlericalism. The appendix details the churches affected and the extent of the devastation.
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