A real family on the Spanish throne? Political rituals and dynastic ceremonies in the construction of the Liberal State (1833-1868)





monarchy, nation, gender, political ritual, nineteenth century


Ceremonies create a dynamic image — both temporal and spatial — of how a social community imagines itself, providing spaces for negotiation between different political cultures. The Monarchy traditionally occupied a prominent place in this conquest of public space, which in the nineteenth century shared with new representative institutions. However, the newly created liberal State failed to set up its own ceremonial corpus, partly because of conflict between political families. Consequently, purely political events that were supposed to celebrate the State introduced royal elements, exploiting their legitimacy and ceremonial strength. Similarly, monarchical ceremonies were turned into celebrations of the State, with the royal family embodying the nation. This article analyses the discourses and representations generated by royal events like weddings and christenings in a context of construction of the liberal political system, the development of nationalism and the redefinition of gender roles.


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How to Cite

San Narciso Martín, D. (2019). A real family on the Spanish throne? Political rituals and dynastic ceremonies in the construction of the Liberal State (1833-1868). Hispania, 79(262), 359–387. https://doi.org/10.3989/hispania.2019.010


