The CNT in the October 1934 movement. Between the Boycott and the Participation


  • Ángel Herrerín UNED



Anarchism, CNT, UGT, revolution, October, 1934


Spanish historiography has focused on the socialist’s attitude at the uprising of October 1934, considering that they were the principal responsible of its organization. However, the triumph needs to count with the participation of other big mass organization: the CNT (Labour National Confederation). This circumstance did not take place, exception made for the Asturias case. This paper analyzes the causes that explain why the Confederal labor union inhibited itself and even took position against this movement. For answering to this question it is essential to analyze the vision that libertarians leaders had about the uprising and their organizers. This article is based on an exhaustive review of the documents produced by the CNT organization and the official documentation of the Guardia Civil and the Spanish Army.


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How to Cite

Herrerín, Ángel. (2016). The CNT in the October 1934 movement. Between the Boycott and the Participation. Hispania, 76(252), 217–244.


