Spanish Occupation of Roussillon in 1815


  • Matías Ramisa Verdaguer IES Antoni Pous i Argila



Hundred Days of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna, Ferdinand VII, General Francisco Javier Castaños, Pyrénées-Orientales, Catalonia


The subject of this article is the invasion of the French Pyrénées- Orientales department by Spanish troops under the orders of General Castaños in late August 1815, shortly after the Waterloo defeat and the occupation of France by the Seventh Coalition allies. The article also presents the situation before the Waterloo battle in the province of Catalonia, the preparation of the previously mentioned invasion and its consequences, all framed in the foreign policy of the Ferdinand VII government. The sources used in this work are the case files of the National Historical Archive (Madrid) that relate to this episode, and specialized literature. The objective of this study was to relate a lesser-known event, occurred shortly after the end of the War of Independence, to highlight the scarce and indecisive Spanish foreign policy during the Congress of Vienna period. The Napoleonic invasion accentuated the Spanish internal crisis and the international decline of the country. This is reflected in the occupation of the Roussillon and rapid withdrawal ordered by General Castaños.


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How to Cite

Ramisa Verdaguer, M. (2015). Spanish Occupation of Roussillon in 1815. Hispania, 75(251), 725–752.


