The Federal Republic of Germany in Light of the End of the Iberian Dictatorships (1974-1976): Intersecting Views


  • Carlos Sanz Díaz Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Federal Republic of Germany, Portugal, Spain, Dictatorship, Transition to Democracy, International Context


The role of the Federal Republic of Germany as an external player in the Iberian transitions —mainly through its government, political parties, political foundations, and unions— has been highlighted since the first studies on the international dimension of regime change in Portugal and Spain in 1974-1975. This article aims to contribute to our knowledge of the «German factor» in the Iberian transitions by underlining Bonn’s perception of the Iberian Peninsula as a whole and by tracking the interdependencies that were established on the German side, in the analysis and in concrete initiatives, when tackling the crisis that was triggered by the end of the Portuguese and Spanish dictatorships. This is done primarily by analyzing both published and unpublished diplomatic documents from the FRG. This analysis provides an assessment of the German perception of the case of Portugal, as a precedent and as a testing ground for policies to promote democracy later applied to Spain.


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How to Cite

Sanz Díaz, C. (2012). The Federal Republic of Germany in Light of the End of the Iberian Dictatorships (1974-1976): Intersecting Views. Hispania, 72(242), 755–788.




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