L´actualité de l'Histoire (1951-1960). Historia del movimiento obrero, historia social


  • Roberto Ceamanos Llorens Universidad de Zaragoza




Working class movement, Institut Français d'Histoire Sociale, L'Actualité de la Histoire, Social history


After the Second World War, with the support of the French government (albeit external), the private Institut Français d'Histoire Sociale, was created in 1949, with the aim of gathering the scattered working class archives and of using them to write the history of the working class movement. In order to publicize this initiative, the IFHS published in 1951 its own bulletin called L'Actualité de l'Histoire. Alongside the history the working class movement, appeared a new emphasis on social history. An impressive team lay behind this project, but it was Jean Maitron (historian and militant, like most of the authors embarking on this adventure) who provided the impulse. These were difficult years but also years of enthusiasm. In I960 L'Actualité de l'Histoire became Le Mouvement Social.


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How to Cite

Ceamanos Llorens, R. (2002). L´actualité de l’Histoire (1951-1960). Historia del movimiento obrero, historia social. Hispania, 62(210), 299–329. https://doi.org/10.3989/hispania.2002.v62.i210.274




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