The catholic missionaries as scientific and philosophical mediators between Europe and China: the examples of Juan Cobo and Matteo Ricci




Matteo Ricci, Juan Cobo, Sixteenth Century, Ming Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism, intercultural dialogue


Catholic missionaries came into contact with Chinese cultural environment at the end of the 16th century. To be accepted by the Chinese elites, the Jesuits, led by the Italian Matteo Ricci (1552-‍1610), adapted their message to the predominant philosophical school in China: Confucianism. Ricci realized the importance of astronomy in the Chinese empire, due to the cosmological conceptions of Neo-Confucian thought. In 1603, he published his book Tianzhu Shiyi 天主實義 (The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven), in which the Italian missionary builds a bridge between Confucian ethics and the Christian religion. Years before, in 1593, the book Shilu 實錄 (Authentic record of the true religion), by the Spanish Dominican Juan Cobo (1547?-1592), had been published in Manila. In this book, several topics of European science were introduced. Cobo used concepts of Neo-Confucian origin. Both Cobo and Ricci might be considered as mediators between Europe and China for science and philosophy. In this paper, some of the most outstanding aspects of their works and their link with the Neo-Confucian philosophy are introduced.


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How to Cite

Cervera Jiménez, J. A. (2023). The catholic missionaries as scientific and philosophical mediators between Europe and China: the examples of Juan Cobo and Matteo Ricci. Hispania, 83(274), e030.


