Patrimonio real y conflictos sucesorios en el reino vándalo


  • Pablo Fuentes Hinojo Centro de Estudios Históricos (C.S.I.C.)



Mediterranean World, North Africa, 5th and 6th centurias, Roman Empire, Barbarians, Germanic kingdoms, Vandals.


The settlement of the exercitus wandalorum in North Africa and the access of Vandal nobility to land property (429-442) were carried out the expense of an important sector of the Roman senatorial aristocracy and Carthage's curia. Besides, the royal lineage of the Asdings kept the richer and more extense private states, which were relocated among the princes in the form of hereditary portions, as well as the imperial lands, until then assigned to meet the expenses of the domus divina. Besides, each of the vandal princes had his own clientele, formed by both romand and germand. These groups of bond men, who gathered around the different houses of the royal family, frequently fought each other, particulary at times of succession. These fight were very frequent due to the maintenance of the transverse system of royal succession. It was one of these conflicts which gave emperor Justinian the chance to launch his millatary offensive in North Africa in 533, an event which resulted i the restablishment of imperial authority in the region.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Hinojo, P. (1997). Patrimonio real y conflictos sucesorios en el reino vándalo. Hispania, 57(195), 9–35.




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