Las juntas durante el trienio liberal


  • Antonio Moliner Prada Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Pronunciamiento, Juntas, Junta Provisional Consultiva, Spanish Revolution.


The Riego Pronunciamiento in 1820 was a success thanks to the support given by the most important cities. As in 1808, some Juntas controlled by moderate liberals were formed, and the constitutional municipal governments of 1814 were restored. The Junta Provisional Consultiva created in Madrid of March 9th moderated the whole revolutionary process and was opposed to the claims of the Junta de Galicia tending to establish a kind of federal representation in Madrid. In this article the author analyses the performance of the different Juntas during their first months of activity and also the image of the Spanish Revolution which was transmitted in reports sent by the French embassy in Madrid.


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How to Cite

Moliner Prada, A. (1997). Las juntas durante el trienio liberal. Hispania, 57(195), 147–181.




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