Cánovas. Político del sexenio revolucionario


  • Jorge Vilches García Universidad Complutense de Madrid




19th century, Democratic Monarchy, Revolutionary Six Year Period, Reign of Amadeo I, political parties, conservative liberalism, Alfonso XII, Cánovas


Cánovas´s attitude during the Revolutionary Six Year Period (1868-1874), far away from being that of a conspirator or insurrection inductor, was to accept and defend of the Constitution of 1869 and cooperate for the consolidation of Amadeo de Saboya´s democratic Monarchy by means of the Parliament's support to the Serrano's and Sagasta's conservatice choice. Only when Ruiz Zorrilla´s radical goverment, with the assistance of the so called antisystem —republicans, carlists and moderate— took aside constitutionalists from the regime in summer 1872, Cánovas, like many of these latter, thougt about the impossibility of Amadeo I's monarchy for the settling of freedom in Spain. From that moment on he devoted to organize the policy supporting the Alfonso's and to expand a favourable opinion to the liberal and civil Restoration in the person of D. Alfonso de Borbón.


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How to Cite

Vilches García, J. (1997). Cánovas. Político del sexenio revolucionario. Hispania, 57(197), 1107–1129. https://doi.org/10.3989/hispania.1997.v57.i197.679




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