La fundación y el fuero universitario de Lérida


  • Mariano Peset Universidad de Valencia



Universities, Lérida, middle ages, jurisdiction, rector.


In 1297 Pope Boniface VIII authorized the King of Aragón James II to create a university which would be set up in Lérida. Its model would not be Toulouse —as the Pope wanted— but Bologna, regarded by the founders as the «mother of the laws». Its first documentation, in 1300, allows us a good knowledge of the project, in which the King, the municipality, professors and students collaborated as well. The jurisdiction of the university was assigned to the Rector, in accordance with the pattern of Bologna. His court and competence, granted by the King, are restricted by the latter as well as by the municipal authorities; nevertheless, this competence is wide, as is usual in a medieval university dominated by the students and its Rector.


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How to Cite

Peset, M. (1998). La fundación y el fuero universitario de Lérida. Hispania, 58(199), 515–536.




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