La salvaguardia de lo permanente. Las extremas derechas militares en la España del siglo XX


  • Carlos Navajas Zubeldia Universidad de Huelva



Armed Forces, Military History, Right-wing military extremists, Spain, 20th Century


This article has a dual focus: we look at both the relations between right-wing extremists in the military (in particular, in the Army) and civil life, and, more specifically, at the internal characteristics of the right-wing military extremist movement. In addition, we raise a question that is difficult to answer: where does one draw the line in ideological terms between a right-wing serviceman and one who is on the extreme right? Another question which immediately arises when one starts to consider the relations between the Armed Forces and the extreme right is: what is, in turn, the relation between the extreme right and militarism in general, and the involvement of the military in politics in particular? In the conclusion, following the analysis carried out in the five sections into which this article is divided, answers are suggested to these and other questions, and lines of further research into the activities of right-wing military extremists in twentieth century Spain are proposed.


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How to Cite

Navajas Zubeldia, C. (2001). La salvaguardia de lo permanente. Las extremas derechas militares en la España del siglo XX. Hispania, 61(207), 69–98.




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