Informal diplomacy, finances and social networks at the court of Charles I of England: the activities of Juan de Necolalde in London through his finances (1631-1637).




embassy, informal diplomacy, Spanish Monarchy, England, accountability, international relations


The diplomatic activities of the secretary Juan de Necolalde in London over the years 1631-‍1637 were the origin of an impressive documentation of embassy accounts, made of more than two hundred pages. The aim of this article is to shed light on the possibilities of this source and its potential for the reconstruction of the diplomatic activities of the secretary, as well as the distribution of expenses and the networks of sociability and informal diplomacy around the Spanish embassy. This analysis demonstrates the relatively broad scope of action of an ambassadorial secretary, the ability to successfully handle informal diplomacy and using alternative information networks, and the integration of the commercial, diplomatic, religious and public spheres around him.


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How to Cite

Álvarez García, B. (2023). Informal diplomacy, finances and social networks at the court of Charles I of England: the activities of Juan de Necolalde in London through his finances (1631-1637). Hispania, 83(274), e038.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-112765GB