Climent as an example: Catholic Enlightenment or Enlightened Catholicism?




Catholic Enlightenment, Enlightened Catholicism, commercial society, luxury, self-love, interest


Based on the study of the Pastoral Letter written by Joseph Climent, Bishop of Barcelona, in 1769, which he added to the second edition of Costumbres de los israelitas (1771), this article discusses the concepts of Catholic Enlightenment and Enlightened Catholicism. It also reviews some relevant arguments in favour of the existence of a Hispanic Catholic Enlightenment. Acceptance of the Catholic version of what was known as commercial society, with self-love at its centre, which was to characterize this Catholic Enlightenment, will be analysed through the study of different approaches to the debate on luxury which a set of prominent intellectuals developed in their work.


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How to Cite

Viejo Yharrassarry, J. (2021). Climent as an example: Catholic Enlightenment or Enlightened Catholicism?. Hispania, 81(269), 651–681.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers DER 2014-56291-C3-2-P