Allegretto Allegretti: a diplomat from Ragusa who served the Habsburgs




Diplomacy, House of Austria, Dubrovnik, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Muscovy, Ottoman Empire, Balkans


Originally from the Republic of Ragusa, Allegretto Allegretti was one of the main agents of the House of Austria in the mid-seventeenth century. An ecclesiastic who stood out for his linguistic abilities, he undertook numerous diplomatic missions for the two branches of the dynasty, including in Warsaw, Constantinople and Moscow. In Vienna he was part of the circle of the Spanish embassy, serving the Empress Maria Anna, as well as successive ambassadors in the 1630s and 1650s. This article reconstructs a part of his life, focusing on his services to the Hispanic branch of the dynasty and his court career. The biography reflects the great transformations that took place during those decades in Central and South-eastern Europe, especially in its relationship with Madrid, as well as the changes in balance within the House of Austria, when the Hispanic Monarchy lost an important part of its influence in the court of Vienna.


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How to Cite

Conde-Pazos, M. (2021). Allegretto Allegretti: a diplomat from Ragusa who served the Habsburgs. Hispania, 81(269), 621–650.


